Paul Hughes-Cromwick, MA, CBE (Certified Business Economist) Paul provides advice on financing with a special emphasis on investments from foundations and others interested in investing in the Healthy Village models. Until September 2020, Paul was Co-Director of Altarum’s Sustainable Health Spending Strategies. He has 35 years of professional experience, including the University of Michigan School of Nursing, Henry Ford Health System, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management, and the U.S. DHHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. He also has 20 years of experience on health Boards of Directors, including Chair of an HMO. He has expertise in health services research and proven successes in strategic planning, business development, social media outreach, organizing scientific meetings, winning grant awards, project management, and establishing research programs. His interests are tracking national health expenditures, assessing health care value, analyzing health reform, and financing investments in social determinants of health. He has multiple journal publications, extensive presentations, and is widely cited in the media.